Back to School: Opportunities for #Writing & #Community

It’s my favorite time of year, when every store–drug store, grocery store, and (cue the angels singing) the office supply store–is stocked with back to school supplies. I go in with the long list of necessities sent out from the district, I complain about the 72 sharpened pencils and 36 pens (though I buy them, to be sure), but let’s be honest: I go in with a list of my own.

I can’t help it. There’s nothing like a feel of a crisp new spiral notebook and the draw of good pencil. Even when my kids are through their high school years, I will quietly slip away into the seasonal aisle of Walgreens and run my hand along the row of Mead and PaperMate and Pentel.

I know I’m not alone. Something about the school season fires up a writer. And why not? We’ve just spent the last three months soaking up sunshine on family vacations and quiet bike rides alone and gathering story.

So let’s take advantage of that energy. Use it to get back to the page, to fine-tune a collection of stories or to craft a whole new essay. There are plenty of opportunities, online and in person, to put pen to paper and find a community of writing souls who will carry you through the winter months.

#Writing in Study Hall

Once a month, I lead Study Hall: #AmWriting, where a few of us come together and talk craft, read samples of great works, and write write write.

drawing of person pumping out page after page of writingSunday Study Hall exceeded my expectations. Christi facilitates and provides the structure. The visual and audio elements enhance the experience. Readings, prompts, and the company of kindred spirits spiral out across time zones. I always leave the session enriched by the conversation. ~ Kathy Collins

We spend a lot of time with writing prompts, which push writers in new and unexpected ways. And sometimes the conversations alone are enough to inspire a new structure in a piece that’s had you stumped for a while.

Try one session. All you need is a laptop, high-speed internet, and a desire to hang out with a bunch of other writers. Our next meet-up is Sunday, September 9th, 3:30-5pm (CST). REGISTER HERE or contact me with questions.

#Learning in the Classroom

If you’re partial to face-to-face interactions and are local to the Milwaukee area, Red Oak Writing offers several Saturday morning craft workshops this fall for writers.

  • group of writers around a table talking craft(Extra)Ordinary Content on October 20th with Patricia Ann McNair. “For writers of all genres, this workshop will guide participants to identify and use their most compelling material to create new work and reinvigorate ongoing projects. Drawing from memory, imagination, and observation, writers will discover their own extraordinary content.”
  • Diving into the Details on November 10th with me. “Details play a significant role in our writing, whether we write poems, essays or novels. Details build storydeepen story, and provide more ways for readers to connect with story. In this workshop, we will look at all three functions of details as they apply to setting, place, and person….”
  • Story, Truth, and Beauty, Baby! on December 8th with Barry Wightman. “Ready to take your writing to the next level? Looking for ways to amp up your prose, streamline it, make it jump from the page? Like great music, great fiction is built from magic moments that produce shivers—riffs, choruses and solos that enchant the reader.”
*Photo above from Red Oak Writing’s website

Building #Community

If you’re new to writing or have been on hiatus for a while, Principles & Prompts is an online course that offers community and a fun, low-stakes space for exploring creativity, story structure, and writing prompts.

“Christi Craig’s on-line class, Principles & Prompts, is an ideal environment to open your mind up to not only learn, but also do and the six-week course provides a perfect escape during an otherwise busy time of year. Christi has the uncanny ability of incorporating works, both written and film, that nudge the muse to tackle the writing prompt that follows.  Although there is no pressure for perfection or finished pages, I have to say, the synergy of the group compelled me to do more than slap my thoughts together.” ~ Elin Stebbins Waldal

Principles & Prompts opens for registration in September. I love teaching this course and witnessing the stories that evolve from letting go and diving into the work.

Whichever way you lean–Pentel or PaperMate, online or in person, grab your pencil. Stake claim on your notebook. Find your tribe and put your stories to paper. Your voice matters, and your muse is calling.

#Writing from a Prompt, a new Tiny Essay:
My Mother is Waiting

Once a month, I run a writers’ meet-up for two hours. I love leading the workshop, but you should know it is also self-serving. Every time I give a prompt and the writers grow quiet as they put pen to paper, I do the same. We are all accountable that way.

crumpled pieces of paper next to a blank notebook, the art of writing from a prompt--don't give up!

Last time we met, we read from Judith Kitchen’s “The Art of Digression” (from the Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Nonfiction). Sometimes in writing, we approach the page hard-headed and get stuck on one idea, one image, one prompt, refusing to wander.

Kitchen suggests that digressing from our original starting point serves more purpose than we imagine:

To digress: to stray from the subject, to turn aside, to move away from.

The concept of moving away, turning aside, is an important one. This is not quite the same thing as changing the subject, or moving toward something else. Instead it is a natural outflow of association, an aside that grows directly out of the material and builds until it has a life of its own—it is getting a bit lost on the way out in order to make discoveries on the way back.

My advice is to court digression. To court those places in the mind that we usually shut out because they would appear to lead us astray. Let your conversation get away from you; let a new story take over; follow a mental argument to where it begins to eddy in the current of its confusion. If something creeps in unnoticed or else pops instantly into your mind, don’t put it aside in favor of where you already sense you are going. No, follow it up by—to use an expression common to those who work with horses—giving it its head. Something may happen along the way, something to alert you to its relevance. And then trust yourself to find the connective tissue….

After we read the essay, we had two prompts to choose from–The water is rising and My mother’s voice. We wrote one story and then we wrote another, each veering off from the same opening paragraph of our making. Or, if you were me, you wrote two different stories that veered from the same opening sentence….

My Mother is Waiting

My mother is waiting. She sits beside me on a bench in a hospital hallway outside a room marked X-Ray. My legs are swinging below me; her hands are in her lap; she is very quiet. I am four years old, have repeat stomach aches, and am constantly underweight. You’ll have to drink all the medicine, she says finally. You won’t like it but drink it all. She’s right, I don’t like it. They lied when they said it tasted like bubble gum. But I take in as much as I can and she pats my knee. We wait for a while longer. In that next stretch, her voice is soothing and suddenly I ask her what it means to be saved. We are avid church goers, but she is not the one who prays in tongues or dances in the aisles. Still, she is the person I ask. She’s surprised, wonders what made me think of such a thing now. I shrug. She calls me an old soul. But who can really understand the workings of a four-year-old mind? Keeping her voice low, she tells me it’s simple; you just ask and there you are. So I did, and there we were: her standing off to the side in the X-Ray room and me under the light.

. . . .

My mother is waiting. She stands behind me, one hand on my shoulder and the other on my arm. When the pastor nods, she presses me forward. I am seven years old and nervous, though this was my idea. First you get saved, then you get baptized. The rest was still unknown to me. The steps are tall and the water is rising and when I look back she says she will meet me on the other side. As I move down into the water, I lose my balance, fall into the pastor’s arms. The water is frigid. Immediately, I shake and shiver and am glad the baptism seems short: a few words, a dip under water, my long hair wet and dripping down the back of my soaked clothes. And there she is, her hand out, grasping mine and pulling me up, wrapping me in a towel. We skip the rest of church that night, sit together in the dressing room, me warming in fresh clothes, her combing my hair in gentle sweeps. Her voice washing over me in just the same way.

Stories unfold as they will in the beginning: scratchy and messy and flat at times. But even if you digress, if you let your mind wander, no writing is wasted. Discoveries are made. Trust the process.

Or as Kitchen says:

Trust me, the brain struggles to make sense of whatever is put in front of it. So how could you doubt that your brain will find ways to connect what you’re thinking about now with what you were thinking about just a few minutes ago? Your brain will find some connection. Or, if not your brain, then your heart. There may be an emotional connection that defies logic.

Join us next month for Study Hall: #AmWriting on Sunday, August 12th, 3-5pm CST. We meet in person or online.

drawing of person pumping out page after page of writing from a prompt

#PenToPaper: the why, the how, & the way to writing prompts

This week I’m all about writing prompts.

First, you’ll find my guest post, The Push and Pull of Writing Prompts, on Rochelle Melander’s Blog, Write Now!

photo of hands putting pen to paper and drawing a circleOn one hand, I see [prompts] as a critical component to the work. They serve as warm-ups in each of the classes I teach, as a way for participants to engage with the topic or lesson. Sometimes they work simply to get the ink in their pens flowing, to free the mind of anxiety before we dive into the real work. On the other hand, they can feel like torture. . . . But 9 times out of 10 prompts are working just as they should.

Read more HERE, which includes links to places where you can find prompts.

drawing of three figures and a wifi symbol surrounding a paper and pencilSecond, you’ll find me in the studio this Sunday, June 3rd, from 3-5pm (CST) facilitating another session of Study Hall: #AmWriting, two hours of prompts and discussion to get your pen moving.

There’s still time to register, and you can participate in person (West Allis, WI) or online (via Zoom–a super easy way to feel a part of even if you’re miles away).

Visit the Study Hall page for more information and links to register.

As a pull to get you thinking about how prompts work, here’s one of my favorite videos: Billy Collins’ animated poem, “Budapest” ….