Dear Friend….

“I’ve always felt there is something sacred in a piece of paper that travels the earth from hand to hand, head to head, heart to heart.”

Robert Michael Pyle, Sky Time in Gray’s River: Living for Keeps in a Forgotten Place

We may be stuck at home, but the postman always delivers.

#PenToPaper | #TinyLetter | #KeepInTouch

One Reply to “Dear Friend….”

  1. Christi, I’ve been exchanging letters with two little neighbor girls, ages 6 and 7. It gives them something to do and helps their busy mom, who has two other children — twin boys age 2 — to care for.
    These times make me think of Jane Austen and her characters: they were forever writing letters. And receiving them. Without letter-writing, the plots of Austen’s stories would be very thin.

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