Found Story: Do not disappoint us.

“One of the most innocent and exquisite pleasures of this life is that of hearing from an absent friend.” ~ from “Introductory Remarks” inThe Useful Letter Writer

Found story image: hand holding a miniature RC Allen typewriter

If you know me, you know I love tiny things.

Last weekend I spent time in a favorite part of the state, found myself inside an antique store, and there discovered a new tiny treasure, a very tiny book.

hand holding The Useful Letter Writer, a tiny book full of found story.

Inside the Useful Letter Writer (“Compiled from the best Authorities,” 1864) is a long table of contents–all titles of letters–full of potential story:

  • From a Sailor in Norfolk, to his wife in New York,
  • From a Lady just married to her friend,
  • On Dueling.

Dear Betty, Dear Eliza, My very dear friend.

And this, perhaps my favorite:

Invitation to a Music Party

Dear Sir,
On Tuesday we have a select musical party. We shal. feel extremely
flattered if you will favour us with the powerful assistance of your
brilliant talents. Do not disappoint us.
Yours, etc.
Friday evening.
Found story in this tiny book, The Useful Letter Writer, open to "Invitation to a music party."

“…say all that you have to say; but say it in as few words as possible.”

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