The Editor as Poet

Deep into edits
of stories about family,*
I am reminded why
we explore
the boxes,
the stacks of old letters,
the clippings
from news,
pages of a journal.
Every word a link
to history.
Every image a glimpse
at our past,
Pieces to the puzzle.

hand holding fountain pen

“Write what should not be forgotten.” ~ Isabel Allende

* FAMILY STORIES FROM THE ATTIC: Bringing letters and archives alive through creative nonfiction, flash narratives, and poetry. An anthology edited by Christi Craig and Lisa Rivero, coming from Hidden Timber Books in 2017.

3 Replies to “The Editor as Poet”

  1. This is really nice, Christi. Thank you. After the massive flooding in the Baton Rouge area (including our neighborhood) in August, I cajoled our 14-year-old granddaughter here into writing a long journal entry about what she (and all of our family) experienced, to have that to share with her own grandchildren in 40 or 50 years. I’ll be sending her your poem today.

    1. Oh Ron, I’m so sorry to hear how you were affected by the flooding and glad to hear your granddaughter was willing to write about it. Yes, it’s hard for a young person to imagine how her words might be treasured 40 years later, but they will. You and I both know the power of story.

      I hope you have recovered somewhat from all the flooding.

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