Quotables: Safety in Numbers

Safety in numbers: photo of four meerkats standing under light source.

“So much of writing is like walking down a dark hallway with your arms out in front of you. You bump into a lot of things.” ~ Kate DiCamillo

#FindYourTribe | #SafetyInNumbers

Join a Writer’s Group (or start your own). Here are a few ideas from Writer’s Digest on tips, lessons learned, & formats to follow.

Sign up for a workshop or class. In-person critique groups for summer (near MKE), ONLINE Here, or try Sackett Street Writers’ 6-week Writing Sprints course with Amy Shearn (scroll down for the summer section that begins Jul. 8th).

Attend a book festival. Where, you ask? The American Writers Museum has a page full of locations with links to websites. This calls for a little artwork….

Safety in numbers: CHEERS! Drawing of woman jumping up and waving pom-poms.

(If you go, let me know. Maybe I can meet you there!)

One Reply to “Quotables: Safety in Numbers”

  1. I appreciate what Kate DiCamillo wrote. My own experience has been the same–except for those times when it was like walking down a dark hallway with my arms tied behind me. I image I’m not alone in that feeling.

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