Whatever it takes.

Last weekend, I fell into several hours of all-out weary. Maybe it lasted a whole day. I couldn’t say for sure; it’s a bit of a blur. And, par for the course.

Sometimes, it’s the writing.

Other times, just life.

What helps:

Calling a friend.

photo 2

Sprucing up the place.

photo 1

And this.

photoWhat gets you through the wearies?

5 Replies to “Whatever it takes.”

  1. When I’m feeling grouchy and I can get some quiet time without the kids, I love to spend an entire hour unabashedly putzing around on the internet reading blogs and just catching up with emails with friends. Instead of telling myself I *should be* doing something else, I just go with it. And it’s pure joy. Is that weird???

  2. Hmmm… Still in ’em. Haven’t figured out what’ll get me out of ’em. Nice ideas. Will let you know. Really cool comics, Christi! Did you draw them? Fun stuff. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Vaughn. I did draw them. That’s about as “artsy” as I get. And, I have this really cool iPad app that makes it fun (and easy to upload).

      Hope your wearies head south…or north…or whichever way winter is moving. Because, winter is moving out, right? That would help, too: a little more sun, a good dose of warm, blue lake waters instead of gray 🙂

  3. I’ve got the wearies right now and so far nothing has helped. I really need to go for a walk in nature to clear my head and reconnect, but there’s ice everywhere. Maybe I’ll watch a YouTube video of someone walking in the woods. LOL!

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