Closet Reading

I received an email recently from an editor wanting to publish a short story of mine, “The Wurlitzer.” Even more exciting was the fact that the story is to be published in an audio version, not print. I love hearing authors read their stories, though I hadn’t considered recording myself reading mine.

I scoured a very detailed document explaining the ins and outs of DIY recording, including how to upload the file and a list of ideas for creating a sound-proof studio. There was mention of coat closets and reference to “hardcore” journalists and umbrellas! You’re intrigued, right?

While I cannot reveal all the secrets, I will say that I take editors’ suggestions seriously. I surveyed all of our closets and found the perfect one: my husband’s, which sits in the far upstairs corner of the house. The only slight issue was that his closet is really semi-converted attic space, meaning a series of shelves full of various items, one rod of hangers and shirts, and temperatures that fall well below my comfort zone.

But, we writers are a desperate sort. If we must confine ourselves to reading aloud among shoes and old blankets in bitter cold temperatures to an audience of sweaters and laundry baskets and a jar full of change, so be it.


Just don’t forget the hat.

(Publication date and links to come.)

What are you reading these days? Or should I ask, Where?

8 Replies to “Closet Reading”

  1. You reminded me how much I miss podcasting!

    I loved your story of finding the right place and getting warm. (hmm, sounds like there’s a metaphor in there somewhere)

    Happy Holidays, Christi, and congratulations on your short story publication. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Cathryn.

      I loved listening to your podcasts. There’s an art to reading (and recording), that’s for sure. I imagine, living where you do, you had less to worry about in the way of “what to wear” 🙂

      Hope your holidays are full of good fun and spirit, too!

  2. Christi, you’re an AWESOME reader – I was so impressed how well you read your pages at Salt Cay. So this is doubly-neat – can’t wait for the details/links/dates! And congratulations! Love the hat, BTW. 🙂

    I wonder if I had to read in a closet what I’d do… we really only HAVE one closet, so I guess that’d have to do. The former home owner for some reason took all the doors off the other closets … and sensible people we are, we re-purposed those spaces to house kitty-litter boxes. Poor company for reading of any sort, me thinks…

    1. Thanks, Karen. I’ll be sure to send out the link as soon as I hear word on the date.

      I don’t have cats, but I know their sometimes indifferent nature. I’m sure they’d love your reading, but they might be stubborn enough not to show it 😉

  3. “House hat” takes on a whole new meaning! Congratulations Miss Christi! I’m so proud of you.

  4. Congrats! I got to record a story for The Drum a few years ago. Luckily I was in Boston for the Muse conference and they had equipment there for people to use. Otherwise I don’t know if I would have figured out the tech side. Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Nina. I just went and searched out your story on The Drum–excellent! The Drum and Grub Street Writers are two reasons I wish I lived closer to Boston. So much good stuff going on there.

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