Why I Write: Then and Now

Why is she driven to tell the tale? Usually it’s to go back and recover some lost aspect of the past so it can be integrated into current identity. ~ Mary Karr, The Art of Memoir


In the late hours of the night while my husband, my son, and my daughter all sleep, I sit illuminated by the glow of a computer screen and type away, pour words into a document that marks my first real attempt at story: a novel about a young woman who is grieving the loss of her mother, searching for her in the waters of Lake Michigan, in the faces of strangers.

It is all fiction, of course, but not really. This book, complete in its first draft but tucked away in a file, is not for publication but is a work of confession by a young woman who suffered the loss of her mother too soon and who needed those late-night hours to process her place in relation to a son and a daughter.


In between work hours and dinner and the folding of clothes, after tucking my daughter and my son into bed—though both kids, one a teenager and the other almost, are beyond tucking-in…let’s call it herding them into bed—after all that, I write. In journals. On screen. In countless spiral notebooks.

I write.
To-do lists.
Essays in draft.
Outlines of story.

Moments of angst.
Visions of truth.
Conversations I do not want to forget.

I write, and every word I record reveals something about me in relation to you and the way we view the world.

The loons at midnight (how I feel most days).
If we could only page ahead in life (during those times I wish I was prophetic).
Where opposites attract (about the horseshoe counter at our local diner)

Each kernel of knowledge another piece to the puzzle of me.

#AmReading, #AmEditing: THEN and NOW, the next anthology by the Writers at Harwood Place

Stories from THEN, essays on NOW, poetry in between.

“I entered this house a new baby, coming home from the hospital in 1922. I wonder how many people have planted trees and built rock gardens in the yard and told stories in this layered house since then? I would walk right down to the bakery on Vliet Street (was it Meurers?) and bring back cupcakes for all of us to enjoy. Or walk up to Washington Boulevard and take the bus downtown to Wisconsin Avenue. Somehow there must be a way to bridge the magic fog between then and now.”

~ from “The Layered House” by Mary Lewis
in THEN and NOW: stories and poems by the writers at Harwood Place

Come to the Reader’s Showcase:
Saturday, January 27, 2018, 2pm
Harwood Place Retirement Living Center
8220 West Harwood Avenue, Wauwatosa, WI.