Found Story: Always the Sun

This isn’t a post about writing, but it’s still about story.

On a road trip earlier this month, my daughter took my phone so she could (supposedly) listen to music. It was weeks later when I found the video she made. She filmed it in slow motion; all I did was add music. I love these kinds of tiny surprises. Maybe it’s just me, but seeing the world through her eyes produces a story all on its own, with or without words. Reminders to pay attention to the road between us, the outline of trees like animals along the horizon. A tiny town, a bridge, you and me and we. And the sun–white, bright. Always the sun.

Quotables from dog-eared pages

This one from the Winter 2015, Lost Truths & Family Legends issue of Creative Nonfiction, which I (for some odd reason) kept under piles of papers for two seasons. No one knows why, but we discover (or rediscover) what we need when the time is right.


Like poetry. #AmWriting

Read Doyle’s entire essay HERE on Creative Nonfiction. Better yet, buy the issue; after all, it’s about holding the paper in hand, reading the words out loud, underlining your own favorite parts.

All you need is one tiny seed.

Flipping through old notes of research for my novel, I came upon these fine tidbits:

Wind blowing from northeast
Hair vigor
A mourning lesson
Storm & Mr. Tamura
“Nasty is the only adjective….”

Still wondering about that last one.


Where did your story begin?