Boxing, #Writing, & What Matters Most

man-couple-people-womanI took a boxing class once. I learned the art of the jab, the uppercut, the hook. I even sparred with a guy, but he just played nice. It could have been the giddy grin on my face or the clumsy footwork, but I’m guessing he knew I didn’t pack much of a punch. If he’d really fought me, though, or knocked me out, would I have gotten back in the ring to face him again? Maybe. If I really loved boxing. But I’m a softy (and a sore loser), and I eventually quit.

With writing, however, I’m a stick-it-out kind of woman.

Over the last six years, I fought with an essay that began as a poem then grew into prose. I sparred with the story off and on: beefed it up, cut it down, sent it out into submissions only to have it bounce back (thirteen times).  It would have been easy to bury it in my files and quit, but I love this essay for the way it tugs at strings of memory and resolves some deeper meaning–for me. Which is why I write. “To excavate the past before it is forgotten…produce order out of chaos…to bear witness” (thank you, Margaret Atwood). After six years, thirteen knockouts, three forms and two titles, this piece finally landed complete at 1300 words and found a home (links to come later).

Every revision hurt. But…Persistence, people. When you love something, you don’t quit, and that makes all the difference.

Quotables from dog-eared pages

This one from the Winter 2015, Lost Truths & Family Legends issue of Creative Nonfiction, which I (for some odd reason) kept under piles of papers for two seasons. No one knows why, but we discover (or rediscover) what we need when the time is right.


Like poetry. #AmWriting

Read Doyle’s entire essay HERE on Creative Nonfiction. Better yet, buy the issue; after all, it’s about holding the paper in hand, reading the words out loud, underlining your own favorite parts.