Focus on Story: Intrigue on Page One

dawn-nature-sunset-womanI am terribly introspective most days, but there are moments–plenty–when my attention span runs short. Too much coffee, too many things to do, too short on time for all that “doing,” I have to force myself to slow down.
Take a breath.

I don’t want to make myself focus, though, when it comes to reading. I want to dive into story. It’s true that a good book is worth the wait through a slow opening or a few introductory chapters. But a great story, as Lisa Cron says in her book Wired for Story, is marked by a compelling hook from the very beginning:

[W]hat draws us into a story and keeps us there is the firing of our dopamine neurons, signaling that intriguing information is on its way. This means that whether it’s an actual event unfolding, or we meet the protagonist in the midst of an internal quandary, or there’s merely a hint that something’s slightly “off,” on the first page, there has to be a ball already in play. Not the preamble to the ball. The ball itself. . . . and it has to have our complete attention.

Now, I’m not an action-packed kind of reader. If you look through my author interviews, you’ll see I prefer a slow build, a quiet novel. Still, a slow building story doesn’t mean slow-to-intrigue; first lines in these quiet stories can be just as intriguing as in a plot-driven novel. Here are a few of my favorite first lines from past and recent reads:

book-cover-a-reliable-wife“It was bitter cold, the air electric with all that had not happened yet.” ~ from A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick.

Have you read this book? Oooh, really good stuff (okay, worst book review ever–“really good stuff”–but suffice it to say this is one of my “I want to write like that some day” books). 

cover“Mama left her red satin shoes in the middle of the road.”
~ from
Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman (you can read my interview with Beth HERE).

Another one of my all-time favorites from the first line through the first scene and beyond.

American-Copper-cover“Daily, men descended into the earth, going where no man belonged, taking more than men deserved, their faces wracked with indifference, their hands dirtied with soot from the depths of the mountain.” ~ from American Copper by Shann Ray.

I received an advanced copy of this book, and I knew immediately from this line that I would absolutely love it. Everything about this story is woven into that first line: industry and power, the harm a man may cause, and the scars he leaves behind.

We’ll talk a more about Lisa Cron’s book and story structure in my upcoming online class, Principles & Prompts. Join us if you can. And, consider picking up Wired for Story or one of the three novels mentioned above. American Copper doesn’t come out until November 2015, but it’s definitely a book to claim for your shelves.

What’s your sign of a good story?

Principles & Prompts: A New Online Writing Class

“A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life. Living in this manner–continually and stubbornly bringing forth the jewels that are hidden within you–is a fine art, in and of itself.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert in BIG MAGIC

image: Big Magic bookI’ve been reading BIG MAGIC lately, taking to heart much of Elizabeth Gilbert’s advice (or maybe it’s more like confirmation) that this thing we do–writing–has purpose whether or not the stories land in this publication or that. It’s easy to minimize our work and on some days to want to give it up outright. So, I do whatever I can to stay connected to creativity.

♦ I read novels or short stories (or books on the craft) that amaze me and inspire me to write more or write better. Lately, I’m reading Shann Ray’s soon-to-be-released novel, AMERICAN COPPER, which is a story I don’t want to put down and a model of writing I would love to emulate.

♦ I schedule coffee dates with other creatives who get it. Who say, Yeah we’re easily distracted by laundry or dinner or bedtime conversations with kids, but we’re easily distracted because our minds are always open–open to the busyness of the world around us and, in turn, open to the inspirations found within that same world. “Easily distracted” is a good thing.

♦ And, I make a commitment to writing in some regular way: every Friday afternoon, once a month at Harwood Place, and, beginning November 1st, six weeks online with you.

Principles & Prompts
an online course on creativity, story, and writing

In simple terms, this is a six-week course from November 1st-December 12th where we will discuss a few principles of the genius and the craft, pulling from books like BIG MAGIC, Lisa Cron’s WIRED FOR STORY, as well as podcasts, videos, & essays online. And, we’ll draft a story or essay based on one writing prompt a week.

photo (3)This is a busy season, I know, but the main goal of this course is to keep you engaged with writing during a time of year when our creative aspirations fall to the wayside in the midst of menu planning, family gatherings, and holidays.

With that in mind, the time commitment is low and so is the price, because not only is this a busy time of year but an expensive one: $65 (returning students will see an even lower rate) guarantees you six weeks of inspiration, the beginnings of several pieces, and new connections with writers like yourself.

I hope you’ll join me. Register through PayPal by clicking the button below. Even though this is online, seats are limited, and the deadline to sign up is Wednesday, October 28th.

Principles & Prompts
November 1-December 12, online.
New students: $65
Returning students: $50

*Registration is now closed, but for more information on the course or future offerings, contact me.