Taking Advantage of #NaNoWriMo

IMG_1941A few weekends ago, we headed to the Camp up north for the last time of the season. Once there, we took long walks in the woods, savored fires, and ate soup. We had a Glow-Dance party and a marathon of Words with Friends. Then, we began the process of closing up.

We hung shutters, drained pipes, pulled the main. I deflated several inflatables, which is about as fun and frustrating as blowing them up. We closed the boathouse, locked up the doors, said our goodbyes, and turned back onto the main road home.

Leaving behind a canopy of sunshine and the trees’ last leaves can make one melancholy. But, the idea of walking away for a short time can be also a good thing. A chance for us to focus on things closer to home.

November 1st began a 30-day writing spree for a mass of writers focused on cranking out the first draft of a novel. If you’re participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and you’re reading this, STOP READING RIGHT NOW AND GET BACK TO YOUR WORD COUNT. If you’re not participating in NaNoWriMo but (like me) you’re deep in the thick of rewrites and struggling to find the time to finish, STOP READING THIS RIGHT NOW AND GET BACK TO YOUR DRAFT.

That’s what I plan to do.

While I’m not participating in NaNoWriMo in the traditional way, I am piggybacking on the idea and the energy behind it, so I might push through my current draft. I call it, NaNoFinishThatDraftMo.

All that is to say, I’m taking a break from blogging this month.

Here’s the thing, though. Stagnant blogs make me nervous. So, for the next few weeks, you’ll see a tiny post here or a re-press of a post there. Something to keep your mind on reading and writing just the same.

Well then, here we go. Clickety clack and tally ho, and we’ll catch up in December!


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