Like Kermit and Fozzie: Find Your Community

Each friend represents a world in us,
a world possibly not born until they arrive.  ~Anäis Nin


Yesterday, my morning began with Kermit the Frog and Fozzie Bear, an unlikely pair but kindred spirits just the same.

Lisa, me, and V. (thanks to Lisa for the picture!)

I was getting ready for a coffee date with Lisa Rivero and Victoria Flynn, two women I met through writing ventures, who have both become role models and cheerleaders in one way or another. Soon to be on my way, I quick checked in with Twitter, and there it was, the link to one of my favorite Muppet songs with a note from Victoria:

Heading down the road to a writin’ good time.

I met both Lisa and Victoria by chance, really, which is often how I meet people who become lights along my way. We share many things in common and, at the same time, are a mixed bag of writers — working on different kinds of projects and at different stages in our careers. But, I will drive a few minutes or a hundred miles for the chance to spend a couple of hours with them, no matter the gas prices.

It’s the same with many of my friends who’s company I cherish. Some of them I met in the quiet rooms of a church, others at a work function, and one on an afternoon when I tagged along with my older sister to her kids’ play date. That friend become my oldest and dearest, my sister of the heart.

Within certain communities, I learn – by example mostly – how to live life on life’s terms, how to step back when the little things drive me crazy and to focus on details when the big picture overwhelms. Other groups of friends urge me forward along a path of creativity, by sharing their own stories of success and offering words of encouragement at just the right time.

When or how I ended up in those circles doesn’t matter. How long I stay makes all the difference.

The song that sparked it all (bet you can’t listen without bouncing in your seat):

12 Replies to “Like Kermit and Fozzie: Find Your Community”

  1. I love that song and a good road trip. I feel grateful every single day for my sisters of the ink. The first part of the song nails it, “Opportunity knocks once let’s reach out and grab it/Together we’ll nab it/
    We’ll hitchhike, bus or yellow cab it! 🙂

  2. Oh, I just love this post, Christi! I had such a lovely time yesterday (and it’s been far too long since I’ve watched The Muppets).

    I know just what you mean about learning by example by listening and watching.

    So, which one of us is Kermit and which one is Fozzie? lol

    1. Tilly, I wish the Muppet Show was still around! Thanks for stopping by, and congrats on your 1000th post (which is old news by now, but still an accomplishment!) 🙂

  3. Thank you for a highly relevant post. We all need community and we all need friends. Our writing friends do help shape and refine us and we in return. Awesome!

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