The Road Map of Writing (Redirect)

The road to publication is a winding, twisting path.

Whether you aim to see your work in print or online, listed in the pages of the journal of your dreams, or mentioned in the New York Times, you’re likely to encounter detours and experience days when it seems this writing gig is all too much like a never-ending road trip.

I don’t do well on long trips. Put me in the car for more than five hours and I grow restless. I tire easily, and tiny inconveniences becomes reasons why I should have just stayed home. I blame it on a touch of claustrophobia, but really, I’m just impatient and worry I’ll never reach my destination.

It’s the same when I pursue bigger, long-term writing goals. . . .

Read more at Write It Sideways, where I talk detours and setbacks in writing. Though frustrating, they don’t always mean I’ve fallen off track or lost my way.

Join the conversation here.

* Photo credit: blondieb38 on

2 Replies to “The Road Map of Writing (Redirect)”

  1. This is so true. We need to take detours and sidetracks to keep our writting fresh. Like any journey, we always get there in the end. If we got lost along the way, we saw or learned something new. Great post! thanks.

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